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With Fund Property coverage, your facilities and everything inside — classrooms, kitchens, gymnasiums, and HVAC systems — are protected.

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You’ll benefit from the Fund’s financial strength and expertise in providing Property coverage that is uniquely customized to meet your needs. We’re committed to the Texas public education market, and we prioritize keeping Property coverage as affordable as possible so schools can keep resources in classrooms, where they belong. 

Here’s how the Fund’s Property coverage can help protect your organization:

  • Blanket coverage, with no scheduled limit or cost per building
  • Flood, earthquake, crime, employee dishonesty, and terrorism endorsements are included
  • Equipment breakdown coverage that includes state-mandated boiler inspections, at no additional cost
  • Property and contents valuation services and products at no additional charge, helping ensure the best coverage, terms and conditions on your facilities
  • Hail notifications that alert you about your potentially damaged property and explain what to do next

Part of our strategy in helping educational organizations mitigate property risks and manage coverage rates is to provide the latest information, training, and resources to inspect, maintain and extend the life of their roofs, boilers, and other critical and costly systems. 

When you join the Fund, you’ll have a trusted partner to help navigate whatever unexpected property challenges and claims you might have.

Empty classroom at sunset


When you choose Fund Property coverage, we help you identify and address facility and equipment risks before they cause costly, unbudgeted losses and operational disruptions.