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Nail Your Roof Inspections


Roofs are among schools' most expensive and important assets. Even minor leaks can cause major disruptions. It is critical to purchase roofs for your region’s climate and protect them with regularly scheduled inspections.

Why Roof Inspections?

Extreme weather such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, and hail are increasingly. A roof preventative maintenance plan with regular inspections can help:

  • Extend the life of facility roofs
  • Identify roof damage early, before it results in costly repairs or replacements
  • Comply with roof warranties
  • Fulfill an important duty of Fund Property program membership

Build On a Foundation of Safety

Large districts might have facilities or maintenance personnel who can inspect roofs. In smaller districts, the job might fall to an administrator. Ensure anyone inspecting roofs knows how to protect themselves from hazards like falls, slips, trips, electrical shocks, chemical exposure, and extreme temperatures.

Each roof’s materials and design present additional, unique hazards:

  • Your roof preventative maintenance plan should assign responsibility for documenting hazards, explaining control measures, and training staff to do the job safely.
  • If nobody on your team is qualified to safely inspect roofs, consider hiring a manufacturer-approved contractor.

5 Steps to Better Roof Inspections

Your preventive maintenance program should require at least two annual inspections on each roof. Spring and fall are good times to inspect roofs because changing temperatures can uncover seasonal damage. You should also inspect roofs after facility construction and severe weather. Follow a documented inspection process that includes, at minimum, these five steps.

Step 1. Get an Inspection Checklist

Checklists promote thorough, consistent roof inspections. In a coverage or warranty dispute, checklists might also prove you fulfilled your maintenance requirements. Consult product manuals for roof-specific inspection checklists or contact the manufacturer. 

Step 2. Start Inside the Facility

Begin the inspection inside the facility. Sheet rock damage, water stains, and unexplained mold or odors can indicate roof leaks. 

Step 3. Walk the Perimeter

Next, walk the facility’s perimeter, looking for red flags. Mildew-stained walls could mean gutters are damaged or clogged. One of the best ways to keep gutters working properly is to secure them. Other signs of roof damage include foundation cracks, warped window frames, and protective gravel blown off the roof.

Step 4. Get on the Roof

To reduce your risk of missing spots, walk the same path every time. Start at the perimeter and walk the length, turning back and forth in narrow aisles, documenting your findings and actions you take:

  • Conduct routine maintenance.  Common maintenance tasks include cleaning the roof, distributing gravel evenly, trimming tree branches that hang over the roof, and clearing debris such as leaves, soda bottles, and soccer balls. It is especially important to clear debris from gutters and drains because they shuttle water off the roof. Consult your roof specification manuals to ensure you complete necessary routine maintenance, without damaging roofs in the process.
  • Look for damage. Use your inspection checklist to spot potential damage. Pooling water could signal a drainage problem. Dents, chips, crow’s feet, or missing asphalt are common signs that a roof was battered by hail. You should also check roof penetrations such as HVAC units, utility pipes, and chimneys for cracked sealant, leaks, and other red flags noted on the inspection checklist. 

Step 5. Make a Follow-up Plan

Fund Property program members who uncover roof damage that falls outside routine maintenance should report a claim as soon as possible. Claims filed more than 365 days after the incident might not be covered. To help members proactively address roof damage, the Fund subscribes to hail notifications that pinpoint when and where hail falls. If we receive a report for your area, we will reach out and explain what to do next.


Protect your roof investments by:

  • Inspecting roofs at least twice year, during spring and fall.
  • Ensuring anyone inspecting roofs has the training and equipment to do the job safely.
  • Use a checklist to ensure consistent, thorough inspections.
  • Remembering that preventative maintenance is a duty of Fund membership and your Property coverage agreement.

Need Guidance?

Your regionally based risk solutions consultant is here to support you with no-services such as consultations, hazard surveys, and training. We look forward to hearing from you! 

David Wylie
David Wylie
Content Developer

David Wylie serves as content developer on the risk solutions team. He brings more than 20 years' experience writing educational content that helps employers protect against workplace accidents, property damage, cybercrime, and other losses.

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