Risk Solutions & Services
Our risk solutions and services build awareness and resilience to create stronger, better prepared schools.
Our goal is to help Fund members understand and manage risks so they can focus on their mission of educating students. Our risk solutions and services build awareness and resilience to create stronger, better prepared schools.

Employee Safety
Fund members can count on reliable training, resources, and guidance to mitigate potential workplace risks and better protect employees from accidents and injuries.

Fund members with Auto coverage have access to resources and training that prioritize a culture of safety on and off the road.

Specialized resources, guidance, and training to help Fund members with Privacy & Information Security coverage mitigate and protect against cyber threats.

Safety & Security
The Fund offers emergency preparedness and mitigation resources as a value-added service to members with Property, Auto, Liability, and Workers’ Compensation coverage.

Legal Risk
Fund members with School Liability coverage have access to resources, guidance, and training that helps mitigate the risk of costly lawsuits and reputational damage.

When you choose Fund Property coverage, we help you identify and address facility and equipment risks before they cause costly, unbudgeted losses and operational disruptions.

Unemployment Compensation
We help you navigate the complex unemployment compensation system, comply with regulations, and get the most value from your Fund Unemployment Compensation coverage.