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Options for Employing School Safety Personnel in Texas Public Schools

Learn about the qualifications, jurisdictions, and costs associated with school-based law enforcement options in Texas.

Best Practice

A school district may only utilize certain school safety personnel to meet the requirement under Texas Education Code section 37.1081 to have an armed security officer on each district campus. The commissioned peace officers described in this guidance meet the statutory requirement for types of personnel who may be utilized for that purpose. While a district may use security personnel describe elsewhere in this guidance to provide security, those personnel alone will not satisfy the requirement of Texas Education Code section 37.1081.

Learn about the jurisdiction, qualifications, and costs associated with school-based law enforcement options in Texas.

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Risk Management Services

TASB Risk Management Fund is a self-insured, nonprofit risk pool of more than 1,000 Texas public education organizations — Texas’ largest — collaborating to share risk, protect resources, and succeed together.