Third-Party School-Based Law Enforcement Resources
Resources address school-based law enforcement policies, grants, training, personnel, and memorandums of understanding.
The links on this page point to resources developed by third parties. The Fund does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided in these outside sources. This information is not legal advice and is neither an exhaustive treatment on the subject nor is it intended to substitute for the advice of an attorney. Consult with your school attorney for guidance on any principles discussed or referenced. Information provided in this document is subject to change without notice and the Fund makes no warranties, either expressed or implied.
On this Page
TASB Polices
The CKE policy series addresses SBLE in school districts. The CHA series applies to SBLE and community colleges…MORE
Texas Police Chiefs Association Policy Manual*
These sample policies outline police department organization, authority, and the policy and procedure manual…MORE
*The TPCAF’s sample policies are not customized for school districts. There are significant legal differences in the regulation of peace officers employed by a school district compared to peace officers employed by other governmental entities. School district police department policies should not be adopted without being reviewed by a school attorney and should not be identical to policies of city police departments.
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Model Policies
Policies include duty to intervene, report excessive force, and render aid; prohibition against chokeholds; body worn cameras, hiring procedures; misconduct allegations; and personnel files…MORE
“A La Carte” Policies from Other Agencies
Access model polices for body cameras, computer security, canine encounters, vehicular pursuit, social media, evidence room inspections, and more...MORE
These grants are subject to change and may become unavailable without notice, so stay up to date concerning their availability, deadlines, and requirements.
State of Texas eGrants
eGrants is the online grant management system used by Public Safety Office Programs…MORE
Department of Justice COPS Grant
A variety of grants are available. Examples include de-escalation training, crisis intervention, and school violence prevention...MORE
TEA Safety and Facilities Enhancement Grant
This Texas Education Agency grant helps local education agencies meet the state’s new safety standards for educational facilities…MORE
Training Requirements
The Texas Education Agency and Texas Commission on Law Enforcement break down training requirements for a variety of SBLE professionals, including school district peace officers, school resource officers, school marshals, and school guardians.
Texas School Safety Center (TXSSC) Trainings
TxSSC offers no-cost, TCOLE-accredited school-based law enforcement training virtually and in person... MORE
Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)
The CRASE course provides strategies, guidance, and a proven plan for surviving an active shooter event. The course is available at all regional education service centers and the Texas School Safety Center...MORE
National Association of School Resource Officers (NASR)
NASR offers a variety of training throughout the year, including basic and advanced SRO courses...MORE
Texas Law Enforcement Recognition Program Training Documents
Training topics include biased-based profiling, harassment prevention, firearms, deadly force, background investigations, performance evaluations, media relations, interrogations, investigative interviewing, sworn employee safety, ethics, evidence collection, patrol operations, searches, seizures and arrests, vehicle operations, and other supplemental material…MORE
Mandated SBLE Personnel Qualifications
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement rules regulate the qualifications of and certification options for licensed peace officers…MORE
TASB HR Services Model Job Descriptions
Includes sample job descriptions for chief of police, police officer, police lieutenant, police sergeant, crossing guard, police dispatcher, security guard, and security technician…MORE
Law Enforcement Recruitment Toolkit
This U.S. Department of Justice toolkit exposes factors that hinder recruitment, such as burdensome personnel regulations, and shares strategies to improve recruitment. Examples include streamlining the process, enlisting media support, and engaging the community…MORE
Establishing Appropriate Staffing Levels for Campus Public Safety Departments
Learn how efficient resource allocation and effective work schedules help campus public safety departments and their institutions establish appropriate staffing levels and identify opportunities to engage in or expand community policing activities on campus…MORE
Performance-Based Approach to Police Staffing and Allocation
Glean a practical, step-by-step approach any agency can follow to assess its patrol staffing needs based on workload and performance objectives…MORE
SRO Performance Evaluation: A Guide to Getting Results
Learn how to assess school resource officer performance based on results/outcomes (e.g., reducing school crime and disorder) rather than activities (e.g., how many classroom presentations the SRO conducted)…MORE
Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)
SRO MOU Fact Sheet
The Department of Justice breaks down key elements of MOUs between school districts and local law enforcement who provide school resource officers...MORE
How to Write a Compelling MOU for your School Resource Officer Program
Access this checklist of core elements included in strong MOUs…MORE
TXSSC Safety and Security Agreements Toolkit
The Texas School Safety Center offers MOU, Mutual Aid Agreement, and Interlocal Agreement samples and templates…MORE
Risk Management Services
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