TASB websites will be undergoing maintenance on Thursday, March 13, from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Brief, intermittent outages are possible during this time.

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Maintaining Forklift Safety

Get an overview of important safety procedures when operating a forklift to help prevent the most common accidents.

Online Training

Course Description

Covers common types of forklifts used in general industry and warehouse environments, important information required by OSHA’s general industry standards (29 CFR 1910.178), best practices for operating powered industrial trucks, and basic forklift operating procedures intended to increase safety and help prevent the most common forklift accidents. 

Note: This course provides staff members with an overview of important safety procedures to be used when operating any forklift. This course is not intended to replace hands-on training. You must receive hands-on training, delivered by a qualified instructor, on the specific type and model of forklift you will use on the job.

Online Training Through Vector Solutions

If your organization has a Vector Solutions (formerly SafeSchools) account, contact your administrator or Vector Solutions for log in details to access this course. Once you're logged in, search for the course title.

The TASB Risk Management Fund (Fund) wants to be sure that your staff receive the training they need and that it's easy for your administration to track compliance. The Fund collaborates with Vector Solutions to provide their award-winning Vector LMS & Training System to members. Visit Vector Solutions get information on how to sign up.