Workers’ Compensation 201
We will dig into complex topics such as assault leave, as well as feature a member roundtable and panel discussion.
If you've mastered workers' compensation basics such as state-mandated reporting deadlines and you're ready to dig deeper, don't miss this training and networking opportunity. We will explore complex topics such as assault leave, as well as feature a Fund member roundtable and panel discussion.
This training opportunity is open to Fund members with Workers' Compensation coverage.
Staying Overnight?
If you plan to stay overnight, see this list of area hotels and TASB rates where applicable.
Knowledgeable experts will share their school risk management expertise on topics that matter to you.
Breakfast, 8 a.m.
Meet the Team, 9 a.m.
We'll introduce you to the TASB Our claims officer will introduce you to our workers' compensation team and set the stage for our time together.
Presenter: Hiawatha Franks, Claims Officer, TASB Risk Management Services
The Win-Win of Wellness and Return-to-Work Programs, 9:15 a.m.
Experienced employees are more valuable contributing to productivity than sitting home recovering from workplace injuries. This session will show you how return-to-work, along with wellness programs, benefits employers and employees alike.
Presenter: Dr. Brian Buck, Medical Director, TASB Risk Management Services
Coordinating Leave and Workers’ Compensation, 9:45 a.m.
Administering your district’s workers’ compensation program requires an understanding of leave programs that apply when an employee is unable to work because of a workplace injury or illness. Failure to coordinate workers’ compensation with state and federal leave could result in fines and avoidable expenses. This session explains the interaction between workers’ compensation and leave benefits and illustrates the impact on pay, health insurance premium contributions, and job restoration rights.
Presenters: April Mabry, Assistant Director, TASB HR Services; Adriana Talbot, Workers’ Compensation Program Consultant, TASB Risk Management Services
Learn the Law: Lessons from the Labor Code, 11:15 a.m.
We will break down employer responsibilities, liability defenses, dispute resolution, and how school district involvement can enhance claim outcomes.
Presenters: Roy Leatherberry, Shareholder and Chief Financial Officer; James Sheffield, Managing Shareholder; Paul Stone; Deputy Managing Shareholder; Flahive, Ogden, & Latson
Roundtable Discussion with Your Peers and Experts, 12:30 p.m.
Attendees will break into groups and talk about the risk management challenges facing their districts. Attorneys and TASB workers’ compensation experts will facilitate the conversation.
Member Panel, 1:30 p.m.
In this facilitated discussion, three Fund members will share insight into their experiences navigating the workers’ compensation system. Panelists will also share strategies that other members can leverage to maintain exemplary workers’ compensation programs.
Moderator: Kendra Estes, School Risk Management Consultant, TASB Risk Management Services
Panelists: Tanya Bane, HR Director, Belton ISD; Charleane St. John Edmond, Workers’ Compensation Specialist, Spring Branch ISD; Robin Lichtner, Claims Specialist, Leander ISD